Standard - Conventional Laryngoscopes

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Miller Standard Blades

Conventional Laryngoscopes

Developed in conjunction with the late Dr. Robert A. Miller of San Antonio, Texas, it is the most popular of the straight blade types. The size of the flange is reduced to minimize trauma and the curve at the beak or tip is extended to improve lifting of the epiglottis. These improvements facilitate greater exposure of the larynx in difficult patients.


  • Autoclavable up to 134°C approximately 2,000 times. No adverse affect in using ETO, Steam Autoclaving.
  • Ensuring good light transmission of 3500 lux with 2.5V handle.
  • Can sustain Plasma Sterilization. (STERRAD 100NX) 



810-841-01 - Miller Set of 3 Consisting of Blade 1, 2, 3 and Battery Handle Medium

810-841-02 - Miller Set of 3 Consisting of Blade 00,0,1 and Battery Handle Small

810-841-03 - Miller Set of 4 Consisting of Blade 1, 2, 3, 4 and Battery Handle Medium

810-841-04 - Pediatric Set of 3 Blades, Miller 00, 0 Macintosh 0 and Battery Handle small



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